What Timezone does Jamaica Use?

A: Jamaica uses Eastern Standard Time. Jamaica does not observe Daylight Savings Time. Some prefer to use GMT -5.

Q: What currency do I use in Jamaica?

A: The currency of Jamaica is the Jamaica Dollar (JMD). The Jamaica rate of exchange fluctuates daily. "If" you choose to exchange USD currency into Jamaican money (this is not always necessary), do so when you arrive in Jamaica, not before departing your own country. Upon arrival in Jamaica, use a CAMBIO or foreign exchange bureau. Do not exchange currency in the airport or at your hotel (if you are staying at one); you will get more for your money at a Cambio or foreign exchange bureau. For example, the SuperPlus in the Westgate Plaza in Montego Bay has a Cambio -- you can exchange currency and buy liquor and urban goods. For more information on money, click here or here for currency conversions.

The USD is accepted in Jamaica; however, you will receive change back in JMD -- bring a pocket calculator to know how much you are supposed to receive. Don't expect roadside merchants to have correct change if you give them large USD bills; it is best to pay them in JMD. If you choose to carry USD on you, make sure they are smaller bills, nothing larger than US$20, smaller bills are better to use at a roadside stand.

Q: Are there ATM machines in Jamaica? 

A: Yes, most banks have ATM machines. The ATM will dispense JMD. There may be a bank for using the machines, and they have daily limits of about US$200-300. Your US bank will charge your account the current exchange rate fee.

Treasure Beach, on the South Coast, has one ATM at Jack Sprats.

Q: What personal documentation do you need for international travel to Jamaica?

A: Proof of citizenship in a passport is required; no visa is needed (Japanese Citizens staying over 30 days need a visa). For information on how to obtain a US Passport, click here.

Q: What airlines service Jamaica?

A: American AirlinesUnitedJet BlueAir JamaicaDeltaUS AirwaysAir CanadaCaribbean AirlinesSouthwestAir Canada are major carriers. British Airways flies non-stop from London. Tourism is Jamaica's leading industry, so reserve flights early. Several charters operate from the East Coast, the Midwest, and Europe.

Q: What are the international airports in Jamaica, and where are they located?

A: Sangster International Airport is located in Montego Bay and is your primary destination if you are traveling to Montego Bay, Negril, along the North Coast to Ocho Rios, Oracabessa, Runaway Bay, and including the South West coast to Treasure Beach. Norman Manley International Airport is less than 20 minutes outside Kingston, Jamaica's capital city. This the best airport to use if going to Port Antonio.

Q: Is Jamaica safe? Should I be worried about cities like Kingston?

A: Here is what TripAdvisor has to say about safety in Jamaica: 

Jamaica is not the crime-ridden, "danger lurking around every corner" island that it is so often painted to be. Others repeatedly warn visitors (especially first-time visitors) not to venture off the confines of their resort. Yet, to not do so would be to miss out on the opportunity to see and experience the wonderful and diverse culture that thrives in Jamaica.

So, what about all those scary crime statistics? Fact or fiction? A little of both. Jamaica does have a problem with gang violence and turf wars confined generally to parts of Kingston, Spanish Town, and some parts of Montego Bay. Each of those towns has mostly safe areas and is worth visiting. The crime will have little impact on the average tourist, providing they do not stray into the crime hot spot areas. Seeking local knowledge or reading Jamaican news sites will guide visitors away from dangerous areas. Reports of violence perpetrated against tourists are low. There are occasional crimes of "opportunity," i.e., petty theft, pickpockets, and purse snatching. Still, they are few and probably occur less frequently than the same things that happen back in the tourist's homeland on a daily basis.

General safety tips are the same as any savvy traveler would take when visiting a place with which they are unfamiliar. Do not carry large amounts of cash on you when you are out and about. Do not go off with "friendly" strangers. Do not flaunt expensive jewelry (better yet, leave the gemstones at home --- you are on vacation after all). Don't wander around alone at night in Montego Bay, Ocho Rios, or on the beach in Negril.

Most importantly, don't check your common sense right along with your luggage at the airport. Sure, Jamaica is paradise, but if you get drunk and stupid, someone, just like in Boston, Texas, or even Omaha, will likely take advantage of the situation. However, once you are comfortable with the island's laid-back atmosphere, its citizens and take standard travel precautions, Jamaica will feel inviting. You will be able to enjoy soaking up the sun, jamming with the music, eating wonderful local foods, and best of all, getting to know some of the beautiful, friendly, and warm Jamaican people. 

Q: Are there any health risks in Jamaica?

A: As with everywhere in the world, as of 2020, COVID-19 has been a risk. COVID-19 Tests are required to enter the country. ALL travelers (tourist or Jamaican travelers) must fill out the Jamaican Travel Authorization Form

No current vaccinations required unless, in the last six weeks, you have visited: Asia, Africa, Central & South America, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Trinidad, or Tobago.

Q: What Language is Spoken in Jamaica?

A: The official language of Jamaica is English, but the Jamaican "Patois" or a local creole is spoken throughout the island.

Q: What is the weather like?

A: Jamaica enjoys typical Caribbean weather with temperatures in the 80's and 90's by day and the 70's by night. Winter to summer variance is only 10 degrees. The South Coast, Treasure Beach area, is typically a bit warmer and much dryer than the North Coast, where you may need a sweater during the winter evenings.

Weather-wise, the temperature isn't that much of an essential factor: winter is usually warm by day and mild to cool by night, and summer months are hot. The rainy season extends from May to November, with peaks in May, June, October, and November. Rain usually falls for short periods (generally in the late afternoon), and it's entirely possible to enjoy the sunshine for most of your visit during these months. However, note that in Portland parish, it can rain for days on end.

Tourism's high, or 'winter,' season runs from early December to mid-April, when property rental prices are highest. Many properties also charge peak-season rates during Easter, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year.  

Q: Is the local water safe to drink?

A: Water in Jamaica is usually safe to drink right from the tap. Drinking water in Jamaica is purified and filtered by the most modern methods. Unless visiting a very remote area with questionable water filtration, go ahead and drink the tap water.

Q: What electricity voltage is used?

A: Electricity is essentially the same as the US: 110 volts, 50 cycles (the US is 60 cycles). Converters are not necessary for US appliances. Flat two and three-pin plugs are in use.

Q: How should I tip:

A: It is customary to tip your staff at the end of your stay. An appropriate gratuity is 10-15% of the villa rental (10%-15% during high season, 15% during low season). A suggested guideline: 




If your villa has a butler, we suggest:

Cook – 40%

Butler – 30%

Housekeeper – 20%

Gardener - 10%

Q: When is lobster season?

A: The lobster season is the same for all of Jamaica. Lobster season is July 1 - March 31. You should not buy fresh lobster from April 1 - June 30.